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Monday, December 11 2023

The secret recipe to finding your interest isn’t looking, it’s doing

"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about" - Margaret J. Wheatley

How many times you have been told to find your interest? How often have you been asked what are you interested in?

Community is a Non-Profit Organization with the main aim to provide support and benefits to locals, the general public, and people in the same political arena by pooling subscriptions from community members.

The structure of the community consists of the board of directors of community superiors and professional working team members. This happens with the ultimate move of bringing betterment in the lives of people by building a community.

It is a volunteer program that aims to help individuals to identify the problems in people's lives and engage them to solve them with their maximum capabilities and find opportunities to grow in specific situations.

How to find the type of community where you should belong to?

Is it very difficult to find the community you get interested in? Let's get into some ways which will tell you about finding your type of community.

  1. Finding your interest: You should be known about your hobbies which excite you while doing the work and that's where your interest comes in. You should get into the community where you enjoy working with, and love to connect with people having the same interests. It helps you to excel in knowledge on the same subject matter.
  2. Support groups: Finding support groups in the case when you are highly introverted and just feel shy to reach out to people or suffering through any state of mental problematic conditions. In these support groups, you will able to find the most suitable form of community that also provides motivation and courage and boosts the morale of the people.
  3. Volunteer groups: People out there waiting for someone to help in the vision for the common cause and working towards change brings people together, many people are passionate about changing the world through volunteer actions. You can join them to make a great change together. It helps to build self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Join social events: It's very reluctant for introvert-type people to accept the invitation to any social happenings or events, but it can help you through networking. Building networking is not solely enough, making connections through social events can bring you happiness as well as can bring you out from the very so-called introvert types, it will work on your mental as well as physical health.

  1. Joining sports club: If you have any of your interest in sports clubs, get a subscription to it and start visiting every day. You will feel a drastic change. On one side it helps you to get people who are waiting for you to connect on the same topic and on the other it builds leadership skills, teamwork, and many more.
  2. Come up with your own: If you have an interest in something or want it to be taken further just create a group by yourself on the same subject matter and start working online through live hosting or conducting the sessions with people having the same interest or you can create offline campaigns and social groups. You can spend most of your time wisely and also help other people to grow with yourself, share the knowledge you have, and discuss their views and opinions of people on it. 

Why working with interest is important in the community?

Working with a community you don’t like will make you bored and can lower your performance whereas, on the other hand, if you work in a place where you find happiness and excitement about working each day can enhance or improve you even more in that field. You starve to learn more each day and influence other people as well besides you'll not be tired of doing that every single time.

You might have known your interest beforehand or just got strangled to figure out what you are passionate about. You need to follow some of the below-given steps to discover your potential and passion for things that give you happiness working with it.

  1. Find your capabilities: If you are not self-aware about yourself like what you can or can not do, how are you going to find what you like to do? Just explore different things it will help you to know what you like doing and eventually you will get to know how to continue with that. 
  2. List all the things which you like to do: List the things which already gives you interest in doing that and make you cling to it, it brings self-consciousness about yourself and so you can choose and continue with those.
  3. Encircle yourself with similar ones: It’s been a popular saying that “Birds of a feather flock together” which means people with similar kind of interest, skills, and passion tend to be friends faster and helps each other in developing similar skills so encircle yourself with those kinds of groups which will help you in the further course of time.

In Nblik, you can connect with a similar environment and connect to different types of people with the same interests as yours.

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