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Monday, October 9 2023

4 min read

Role of community in building personalities.

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Tanmay BhatiaCommunity Manager

 Community equals connections, and good relationships strengthen core values. Communities are much more than the dictionary definition of a group or assemblage of people. 


They include relationships that are linked via strong bonds. There is a mixture of personalities and individualities. Communities bind different characters together and define them into a single entity.

 Community building fosters a space for sharing and collective learning - Community is all about togetherness and unity. Strong communities provide a huge space for sharing thoughts and actions and offer a collaborative space for experience sharing.


The sharing process can significantly become a very empowering practice that can source huge inspiration, motivation, learning, and support for the community members.


It brings a sense of empathy to an individual and aligns his personality toward positive growth. 


      Can be the single most significant influencer - Community can be a great influencer to an individual through community-led events, discussions, groups, and posts. 

The content can inspire people to become a part of the community and also expose a person to many ideas and formulations. 


     Community builds trust and loyalty - Trust is one of the most defining factors in an individual. The community acts as fuel in developing confidence among each and scales them towards maximum growth. 

   These community-building practices provide a huge contribution for people to create spaces and strengthen their sense of trust in each other. 


Why does a community matter in shaping personalities?

 As Hewitt once said, “Community provides a psychological world and a place of identification for its members.”

Humans, in one form or the other, always choose to be existed in groups and clusters and avoid isolation. A community is when you form connections amongst people and interact among themselves. 


     For instance, everybody prefers an online learning course only if it is on a group platform mostly because it helps them compare with their immediate peers and improvise better on their individuality.


Everybody has a unique personality and a unique trait. Communities help identify that uniqueness and help you explore it more.


But, if you are an introvert, joining a community and contributing to it will help you explore your introverted nature while putting across your thoughts in an organized way. 

It also provides the space for building a reciprocal culture.


      For instance, if someone has helped you and walked you through the tough times, or if someone guided you when you needed them the most, you will instantly feel the need to reciprocate. You want to help them back in a similar way. It builds gratitude in you without your knowledge and can sure count as a strong personality trait.


Communities provide the door for innovation and experimentation. A diversity of opinions, arguments, and perspectives leads to a single result. It is open to all forms of discussions and thus gives rise to developing strong individuals and shaping their personalities.


The bottom line is, building a community should be a healthy process. It should provide the required values and help you compound the effects of your personality. The best guide to help you with that, get onto a one-on-one session by reaching out to us, and voila, we will help you out!

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Tanmay BhatiaCommunity Manager

In this article

Community equals connections, and good relationships strengthen core values.
Community building fosters a space for sharing and collective learning
Can be the single most significant influencer
Community builds trust and loyalty
Why does a community matter in shaping personalities?
As Hewitt once said, “Community provides a psychological world and a place of identification for its members.”

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