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Kunal SinhaContent Writer
Wednesday, March 6 2024

How to define and measure your Minimum Viable Community?

An Intro to  Minimum Viable Community?

Minimum Viable Community (MVC) is a concept that applies the principles of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to community building. MVC refers to the smallest possible version of a community that can still provide value to its members. It involves starting with a core group of members who share a common interest or goal, and gradually expanding the community based on their needs and feedback.

The idea behind MVC is to avoid the common pitfalls of community building, such as launching a community with too many features or too much content too soon, which can overwhelm or confuse potential members. Instead, by starting with a small group of members and focusing on providing them with a valuable experience, community managers can build a strong foundation for the community and gradually expand it over time.

The key to a successful MVC is to identify the core features and activities that are most important to the community's members and focus on delivering those first. This may include things like forums, events, or resources that align with the community's mission or goals. As the community grows, community managers can use feedback and data to refine their approach and expand the community based on the needs and interests of its members.

Does minimum viable community differ from other brand communities?

Yes, the concept of a Minimum Viable Community (MVC) can differ from other brand communities. While the basic principles of MVC remain the same across communities, the specific features, goals, and needs of each community may vary based on factors such as the brand's industry, target audience, or business goals.

For example, a brand community in the fashion industry may focus on providing members with exclusive access to new products, fashion shows, and styling tips, while a brand community in the technology industry may prioritize knowledge sharing, networking, and support for users of its products. The MVC for each of these communities would be different, based on the specific needs and goals of their members.

Similarly, the way in which an MVC is developed and expanded may differ based on the brand's resources and strategy. For some brands, an MVC may involve starting with a small group of hand-selected members, while others may launch their community publicly and rely on organic growth.

Despite these differences, the underlying principles of MVC remain the same: start with a small group of members, focus on delivering value, and gradually expand based on feedback and data. By following this approach, brands can build a strong and engaged community that supports their business goals and delivers value to its members.

How to define and measure your MVC?

When building a community, it's important to define and measure what success looks like. One way to do this is by identifying your minimum viable community (MVC), which is the smallest version of your community that can provide value to your members and achieve your goals. Here's how to define and measure your MVC:

  1. Define your goals: Start by defining your goals for your community. What do you want to achieve, and what does success look like? This could be things like increasing engagement, building brand awareness, or generating leads. Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can start to define what your MVC should look like.
  2. Identify your core value proposition: What is the core value that your community provides to members? What makes it unique and valuable? This should be something that sets your community apart and provides a clear benefit to members.
  3. Define your ideal member: Who is your ideal member, and what are their needs and interests? What motivates them to participate in your community? This can help you identify the types of members you want to attract and the types of content and activities that will be most engaging.
  4. Determine your key metrics: What are the key metrics that will help you measure the success of your MVC? This could be things like the number of active members, the level of engagement, or the amount of content generated. By establishing clear metrics, you can track progress and make data-driven decisions.
  5. Establish your MVP features: What are the minimum features and activities that your community needs to provide value to members? This could include things like a discussion forum, regular events, or educational resources. By identifying your MVP features, you can focus on building the most essential elements of your community and prioritize resources accordingly.
  6. Test and iterate: Once you've established your MVC, it's important to test and iterate on your approach. This may involve running experiments, gathering feedback from members, and making adjustments based on what you learn. By continuously refining your approach, you can improve the value you provide to members and the overall success of your community.

Measuring the success of your MVC will depend on the key metrics you've identified.

             Some common metrics include:

  • Active members: The number of members who are actively engaged in your community.
  • Engagement rate: The percentage of members who are regularly participating in your community.
  • Content generated: The amount of content generated by members, such as posts, comments, or user-generated content.
  • Retention rate: The percentage of members who remain active over time.

Key takeaway

By tracking these metrics and adjusting your approach as needed, you can ensure that your MVC is providing value to members and achieving your goals. As your community grows, you can continue to refine your approach and build on the success of your MVC to create a thriving and engaged community.

Start building your minimum viable community today! Join NbliK community app and share your vision and work together to establish a strong foundation for growth and success.

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