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Ritik KashyapContent Manager
Tuesday, November 28 2023

How NbliK Community can help you to earn money

Being a Content Creator, you know how important it is to monetize your hard work, efforts, and the value you are adding to the lives of 1000s of people.

1. Monetize with real engagement

The power of community lies in engagement. And the best thing is you can turn your engagement into money.

2. Creators can build Personal brands

In the growing era of Web 3.0, you might be aware of, How essential it is to build a Personal brand. A personal brand can help you to earn more in more innovative ways after reaching a particular milestone of your growth, where you, yourself, are a brand.

3. Improve the Retention Rate

Since NbliK is a budding platform, the chances are higher that you have to face less competition, so you can utilize the benefit of engagement & improve your retention rate.

4. Minimize Community building cost 

Though you can't build a strong community alone, you can always minimize its building cost. NbliK is giving you features to have direct conversations with one or whole community at once.

5. B2C can utilize for direct feedback with customers/ clients

Being a business owner or startup builder, you might be aware of how critical honest feedback is from your customers & the people you are working with. Don't miss the opportunity of getting direct feedback & reviews from the ground level.

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