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Tanmay BhatiaCommunity Manager
Wednesday, November 29 2023

Foundation of a Community

Foundation of a Community

A community also needs a foundation for strength. Here are some of the pillars you need to be aware of before building a community.

1. Similar people

Community members should have similar interests in certain things, like community niches. So they can relate to the other members of the community.

2. Strong understanding of others

Community members believe that they can understand other members of the Community and their motivating force.

3. Keep it tight-knit

Do not scale it up quickly. It is essential to create a correlation or bonding with the community members. So, Keep it tight-knit like a family, Instead of creating a school.

4. Go for Quality

Community members are going to judge you on the basis of the contribution and participation of your community members. So, go with the quality to create a long-lasting impact.

Therefore, similar interests, understanding, and quality matter a lot.

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